L’ hirondelle qui voulait voir l’ hiver / picture book
Éditions Milan

“L’expression «une hirondelle ne fait pas le printemps» vient peut-être des oiseaux de la veine d’Iris, un peu rebelles, qui veulent voir l’hiver et se refusent de vivre sans se poser de questions. Ils sont peut-être nombreux.”

“Essere diversi non vuol dire rinunciare agli altri e alle proprie radici: a volte, però, bisogna sperimentare l’ignoto per riconfermare ciò che siamo e per costruire uno spazio dentro noi stessi dove custodire i desideri più irrinunciabili.”

Summer is over and it's time for the birds to fly South. But not for Iris, a curious swallow, who decides otherwise. She stays to see the winter. One by one, the leaves fall from the trees and the cold begins to settle. Soon an icy wind starts to blow and big snowflakes tumble from the sky...
Maybe Iris didn't make such a great decision after all... or maybe she did.