Born in a small coastal town in Liguria, Italy, to a Filipina mother and Swiss father, Philip Giordano is a tireless globetrotter, who now lives and works in Tokyo. After studying at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts and at the European Institute of Design, he earned a Master in Animation in Turin. He works for a number of magazines and publishing houses around the world, illustrating book covers, designing toys, and creating children's books and animations.
The simple and colorful shapes of his illustrations, his iconic characters, and his graphic landscapes render his unique style immediately recognizable and transform his stories into breathtaking visual journeys.
Exploring different techniques, from digital collage to painting on wood, his work has been selected and featured in American Illustration Annual, Communication Arts Illustration Annual, 3x3 illustration Annual, and the "Applied Arts Photography & Illustration Awards".
His illustrations have received international recognition and awards including the Silver Medal by the Society of Illustrators; the White Raven Award; the International Illustration Prize Bologna / SM Foundation; Illustrarte, Biennial of illustration, Lisbon, the Prix des Adultes and Prix des Mediateurs: Figure-Future at the Montreuil, Paris Book Fair.
His artworks  was presented in the exhibition and Annul “Artist and illustrations masterpieces - 50 Illustrators Exhibitions 1967 - 2016", of the 50th anniversary of the Children's Book Fair Illustrator Exhibition in Bologna.
He was invited to be part of the jury at the  Shanghai International Children's Book Fair (CCBF)  2020.
Member of the jury at  the Sharjah International Book Fair in the United Arab Emirates  2018.

Bio from Debbie Bibo Agency page